Skin lesions are often benign, but some can be malignant. Those that are benign can be removed with a scalpel. A dermatologist may do this by freezing the lesion with liquid nitrogen or using lasers to remove the lesion.

Benign Skin Lesion Removal is a procedure that removes benign skin lesions from the surface of the skin. These lesions can be triggered by many things, such as injury, infection, or sometimes genetics.

The removal of benign skin lesion usually starts by numbing the area with a topical anesthetic and sometimes a corticosteroid cream to reduce inflammation. This procedure is often performed by dermatologists and plastic surgeons.

Benign skin lesions (BSLs) are a common and frustrating problem for many patients.

Benign skin lesions can be very difficult to detect because they may not be obvious to the eye. BSLs often grow slowly and can sometimes go unnoticed for months or years, as they do not typically cause symptoms such as pain or discomfort.

Treatment options for BSLs include topical medications, oral medication, surgery, and biopsy. The most common types of BSLs include common warts and seborrheic keratoses.