The GFC PRP treatment is a method of repairing hair, nails, and skin. Artificial or natural hair loss can be an emotional and physical drain on the individual. This treatment may help regenerate and strengthen your hair, which in turn can reduce hair loss.

This treatment may be useful if you have thinning or bald patches on the scalp, although many people use the GFC PRP treatment to improve the appearance of their nails or skin. The procedure is safe, but it is always important to discuss concerns with your physician before undergoing any new treatments.

GFC stem cells have been proven to be safe and effective.

There have been many studies as to the safety of GFC and they have all concluded that the treatment is safe and effective.

The hair PRP treatment for hair is safe and effective.

It is a natural treatment that uses the body's own processes to stimulate hair growth. It is also known as "hair rejuvenation". This process works by using a component of the blood - platelets - to stimulate cell renewal at the scalp, where hair loss occurs. The increased levels of nitric oxide brought about by this treatment leave the scalp more vascularized and better able to grow healthy hair.

Some people may experience minor side effects such as redness, itching, and tenderness in the scalp following a procedure but these are typically short-lived with no long-term adverse effects.

Always consult with your Dermatologist.
