Home treatments that can be used to prevent hair loss
Get enough sleep, observe your circadian cycle, and turn off electronic devices 2 hours before bedtime.
In the evening, turn on the red light on your phone. The blue light on screens disturbs the circadian rhythm, so avoid them.
Hair follicle thickness and strength are improved by applying coconut-based hair oil to the scalp with or without massage. Its saturated fatty acids penetrate the hair shaft 10 layers deep, and it's also high in medium-chain triglycerides and lauric acid, which help hair grow thicker, healthier, and longer.
Excessive hair washing should be avoided, and pre-covid practices should be followed. - Breathing exercises, meditation, and yoga should assist to reduce stress and induce improved sleep quality. Hair washing on a regular basis is not necessary and is not known to prevent viral infection.
For immunological modulation, eat a healthy balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, fibre, protein, and healthy carbs and fats. Avoid eating junk food and eating outside as often as possible.