In winter months our skin and hair face a lot of issues such as dryness and chapping and diseases such as eczema, psoriasis can flare up.

Skin care and hair care therefore needs to be altered to keep skin looking supple and healthy

  1. Use moisturizing creamy face washes and bodywashes that hydrate and don’t strip the skin of essential oils.
  2. Moisturise with a body emollient containing ceramides and or paraffin that forms a barrier on the skin and prevents evaporation and retains water. This is especially true if you have dry scaly skin or are prone to developing eczema and psoriasis.
  3. Excessive scrubbing and exfoliants are not required in winter. Exfoliate once a week. Follow with a moisturizer
  4. Always use a sunblock even in the winter. Choose a sunblock with SPF 30 or more that is non comedogenic and gives a broad spectrum of coverage against UVA and UVB rays.
  5. Exfoliate chapped lips with toothbrush or sugar granules and follow with a lip balm
  6. Take care of dry cuticles by filing nails regularly, getting exposed cuticles clipped and trimmed with manicures and pedicures and keep them supple and hydrated by using a cuticle oil and massaging into the base of the nail.
  7. Hands, feet, elbows and knees are areas that need extra care and once can use emollients or body butters over them to keep them soft and to prevent calluses.
  8. Winter is the best tome for skin treatments such as peels and lasers as you can seek protection and relief to a certain extent from the sun
  9. Workout regularly even in winter to keep yourself looking radiant and healthy. And as they say, hot summer bodies are made in winter!
  10. Wash hair a little less often than you do in other seasons especially if you have dry, itchy, flaky scalp
  11. Do regular deep conditioning and oil conditioning treatments for your hair and scalp to hydrate
  12. use a leave in conditioner or a hair moisturizer if you feel your hair is too dry.
  13. Protect with a hair band, scarf, headband, clip etc when exposed to strong winds which can strip away natural oils from the hair and can make it dry
  14. Use heat styling less often in winter. Let air dry or use a heat protection spray
