Children are more at risk for skin conditions. Kids can be more susceptible to allergic reactions due to their developing immune systems. They are also more likely to be exposed to things that cause skin irritation, like detergents and chemicals.

These children are more sensitive because they have immature skin, which is thinner and may not have protective layers of sweat, oil, or natural acids that would normally provide some protection from irritating substances that come into contact with the skin. Their little bodies are smaller than adults so they’re exposed to higher concentrations of harmful substances in the environment. The damage done can be irreparable over time if not treated early on.

No one can escape the inevitable fact that we live in a world with millions of chemicals, toxins, and pollutants. All these items are present in our homes, workplaces, and the air we breathe. It is no wonder that skin conditions are on the rise.

We should avoid using harsh chemicals on our skins as they can irritate them more and make them worse. Instead, we should use a gentle soap or moisturizer to help our skin maintain its natural beauty and prevent any dryness or inflammation from occurring.

Skin conditions are common in children. The most common of these is atopic dermatitis (AD). It constitutes 20-30% of cases of childhood eczema. Other common skin conditions that children face are contact dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, impetigo, and scabies.

Common symptoms of the skin conditions include itching, rash, redness, dryness, and flaking on the affected areas. Some other symptoms can be raised or swollen patches on the skin, hair loss on the scalp or eyelashes, crusts on the skin surface, and bleeding from last scratch marks.
