The fact is, being bald or going bald can put a person in a position of vulnerability.

"Bald is beautiful"

This saying has been around for quite some time now, but the truth is that it doesn't mean anything to most people who are balding or who have been bald for a while. Some might even find it offensive because it's not always the case that someone looks better after they shave their head and go through all the loss and ridicule.

Nowadays there are many people who are looking for ways to stop the process of hair loss so that they don't have to deal with these difficulties in the future. There are two main problems with this, however: many treatments don't work after a certain point, or they come with significant side effects which make them not worth trying.

In a study done at Penn State, over 1,000 people were surveyed about their attitudes about baldness. The researchers found that bald men are more likely to feel ashamed of their own condition and are more sensitive to the remarks of others.

A survey conducted by the International Society for Hair Restoration Surgery found that hair loss can lead to decreased self-confidence and may contribute to depression in some cases.
Always consult with your Dermatologist.  There are various treatments that can save your healthy hair. GFC/ PRP does assist with regrowing hair too.
