In today's world, human life is full of stress and anxiety. There is a seemingly endless struggle to succeed and due to which we most often become oblivious to our health, appearance, etc. While on the one hand, we ourselves are reckless in the maintenance of our body, on the other hand, our environment is getting all the more deteriorated day by day. These primary factors have to lead to several skin or derm disorders among individuals. This article will be making its readers acquainted with some of the common and harmful skin disorders along with the manner in which they are caused and can be effectively cured.

1.Eczema- a very general skin disease that leads to skin irritation, dryness, itching and even cracking of skin with bleeding. Eczema is known to be of four types. These are Atopic Eczema (can result in scratching of skin and skin infection), Allergic Contact Dermatitis (leads to skin irritation), Irritant Contact Dermatitis (dry and irritant skin esp. hands), and Infantile Seborrhoeic Eczema.

Cause- an individual can be affected by Eczema due to different reasons like heredity, environment, age, etc.The Atopic Eczema is more of a heredity transfer. Allergic Contact Dermatitis is due to things like cologne, jewelry, and other ornaments.Irritant Contact Dermatitis is caused by contact with chemicals that harm the skin like poor quality detergents etc.Infantile Seborrhoeic Eczema- appears on the scalp of infants.

Cures-Infantile Seborrhoeic Eczema is fully curable within a few months with creams and oils.Irritant Contact Dermatitis should be treated with moisturizers to avert dryness of the skin.Allergic Contact Dermatitis can be treated by keeping away from the elements that cause it. Atopic Eczema needs steroids and emollients for its cure.

2. Vitiligo- a disease of skin pigmentation leading to the appearance of white spots on the body.Causes- Accurate causes of the disease that inflicts most of the Americans are not known yet. However, the studies hold heredity and a weak immune system to be the causes behind it. The high concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide in the environment and the deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals are even estimated to be the reasons for the disease.

Effects of Vitiligo- the disease does not lead to any discomforts like headache, pain, etc. but it hits different areas of the body of different individuals. It starts from less and expands gradually. Vitiligo-like skin Eczema is not contagious.The disease can be treated in several ways like pseudo catalase cream, pigment transplantation, and skin grafting.

3. Psoriasis- is again a very usual skin disease particularly in the United States of America. The symptoms of Psoriasis are the appearance of lesions with white scales on them on the skin, weakening of skin, and joints.Causes heredity or genetic reasons are attributed as reasons for the disease. Due to it the defective immune system the skin cells mature within a relatively much lesser span of time than usual. The skin cells in this case grow within three to four days contrary to their normal duration of 39 days. These cells form lesions on the skin and do not fall off.

Treatment- Topical treatments are preferred in the case of Psoriasis though the disease is more or less incurable.Besides these three derm disorders, there are few others that are not mentioned here. However, the only precautionary measure to skin diseases is to maintain healthy eating habits and hygiene and also be a little more caring towards your skin.
