Why Do Pimples Occur
There are many reasons for pimples to occur. Hormonal imbalance, oily skin , bacterial overgrowth, clogging of pores with incorrect products, stress, lack of sleep, unhealthy food habits can all trigger breakouts on the skin.
Is it a good practice to extract pimples at home?
Pimple extraction is best done by an expert or a dermatologist who uses appropriate tools and sterile method. Improper technique or tools used can lead to further pimples, infection and scarring. Never pick pop or squeeze the pimple.
What are some of home remedies which are easily available for pimples?
You can spot treat the pimple by applying tea tree oil over it. You may use clay masks which can help in absorbing excess oils on the skin. If you are using prescription products from your dermatologists and some of the ingredients in them like benzoyl peroxide is causing irritation you can use aloe vera gel to calm and soothe the skin.
In case you are planning to extract your pimple yourself, how can you prepare?
Start by cleansing the skin of makeup and debris. Wear gloves. Sterilize the needle you are planning to use. Either steam, boil in hot water or clean the needle with alcohol swab. Never attempt to pop pimples in the zone between the corners of the mouth and the bridge of the nose. This is the ‘triangle of death’ which has connections to the brain by way of blood vessels. Any infections in this area can lead to abscesses and infection draining into the brain and this can be extremely fatal. Select pimples that have a clear head, those that are very near to the surface which are about to pop and that have pus.
What is the best and the easiest process/way popping or extracting a pimple?
Stretch the skin around with gloved fingers after having cleansed the skin and the needle, pierce the pimple with the pin horizontally parallel to the skin, not vertically pushing down on the pimple and then tug the needle upwards creating a tear. This will create access for the pus, bacteria and debris to flow out. You can squeeze the surrounding to let the pus out.
Once you are done with the process of extraction or popping it out, what’s the best after care?
Apply an ointment or lotion with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide afterwards that lets the pimple to completely dry out. Your doctor might be able to prescribe such ointments. You should use these ointments to prevent further breakouts.