A dermatologist is a doctor who specializes in dealing with skin problems. They are trained to diagnose, prevent and treat skin disorders. Dermatologists can be doctors from any of the above specialties who have taken additional training in skin disease management. Some dermatologists may practice one or more subspecialty areas of dermatology, such as pediatric dermatology or occupational dermatology.

A pimple is a small swelling on the surface of the skin that contains a mixture of oil, dirt, and bacteria. The word "pimple" comes from the Latin word "pimel," which means worm.


There are many types of pimples that can appear on the skin including blackheads, whiteheads, and cysts.

Pimples should be treated as soon as possible because they can cause permanent damage and scars if left untreated. It is best to go to a dermatologist for professional treatment but there are also treatments available at home such as using benzoyl peroxide or topical ointments.


When you have regular problems with your skin, it is much better to regularly visit your dermatologist, for professional, medical advice.
