Navratri festival time is that time of the year when indian outfits –lehengas and sarees with backless cholis make their appearance. It is also the time of the year when people want to indulge in treatments to look good for upcoming festivities.

1.Going for party peels or super peels that do not have any down time are popular at this time of the year.2.For a smoother back, a microdermabrasion/skin polishing is a very good idea. This mechanical form of exfoliation is good to indulge in once in a while because it helps to remove the dead skin cells and dirt from the surface of the skin and helps to even out the skin tone .3.A mild peel like Lactic or Glycolic would also help exfoliate dead cells and give a glow. If there is any pigmentation, spots or Tan, a series of few TCA or phenol peels should lighten them enough and remove the tan.

A milder peel only penetrates the most superficial layers hence only causes little flaking. This kind of peel needs to be repeated every 2 weeks for 6-8 times for good rejuvenation. Stronger peels like TCA or Phenol combination peels penetrate little deeper into the skin and cause more peeling of skin. Results are quicker with these treatments but they still need to be repeated 3-6 times depending on the concentration and skin type. There are single time peels also that cause heavy peeling for few weeks. Most of these peels take time to peel so unless you have time of 1-2 weeks, you may not be able to plan it right before an event .

  1. Any warts on the back can be cauterized at your dermatologists office with the help of an electrocautery or a CO2 laser.
  2. If excessive unwanted hair is the problem on the back, consider going in for a few sessions of laser hair removal at a reputed skin clinic. It is one of the best permanent solutions to help reduce hair growth
  3. Any scars on the back can be treated with a Fractional laser or C02 laser at the clinic for which you may have to prepare for a a downtime and some intensive post care
  4. At home you can use a body scrub to help exfoliate dead cells and moisturize. Lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent so rub a half of lemon the back and then use a mild scrub.
  5. Always use sunscreen if you plan to expose your back in the daytime


