Smoking can cause various skin conditions. The different types of skin conditions caused by smoking are psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo, and others.

Smoking can cause psoriasis which is an inflammatory skin condition that causes redness and scaling on the skin. Symptoms of this include rashes, itching, and dry patches on the skin.

Smoking can also cause eczema which is an inflammatory condition that causes patches of thickened dry itchy red skin. It’s not contagious but it can be difficult to treat because it’s often caused by other environmental factors like stress or seasonal change in the climate. It usually affects the elbows, knees, lower back region, and sometimes even face or scalp areas too.

The adverse effects of smoking are not limited to one’s health. Smokers who use tobacco products can develop skin conditions caused by smoking that can affect their appearance and sense of self-esteem. These conditions can include “smoker’s acne or what is also known as acne rosacea” (CDC). This could be due to the nicotine content in cigarettes which irritates the skin and makes it more vulnerable to developing inflammation or pimples.

As a result, skin conditions caused by smoking are more prevalent among smokers than non-smokers. Smoking is a huge cause of premature aging and skin damage. It is not only the lungs that suffer from smoking but also the skin.

Many smokers don't realize how smoking affects their skin condition and continue to smoke, ignoring the consequences. Smoking causes many serious conditions such as cancer or COPD, but it also causes many different types of skin conditions such as acne and premature aging. It doesn't matter if you smoke cigarettes or cigars; both can cause these types of conditions.
